Thursday, December 11, 2008

Battle Angel

Battle Angel Alita ep. 2 3/3 (DUB)
Battle Angel Alita ep. 2 3/3 (DUB)Sernabiskcza!

Battle Angel Alita - Rusty Angel 3-3
Esta es la última parte del primer OVA de Gunnm. Si les ha gustado este primer OVA esten atentos en las respuestas de video por el segundo OVA, además recomiendo que busquen los mangas para que com
Battle Angel Alita 3D CG
I found this a while back, it's what I used for Battle Angel A-Lita, it's some 3D CG Footage of Battle Angel/Gunnm in the Motorball game.
Battle Angel
Anime DVD Review

Based on the Yukito Kishiro's manga Battle Angel Alita, this film is a symphony of intense action sequences and shadowy mixtures of color coupled with a darkly cinematic soundtrack. Alita is a perfectly deadly heroine with a leather-clad style that anticipates The Matrix and is now part of the canon of Blade Runner-inspired anime cyberpunk.

Battle AngelThe action keeps the plot moving at breakneck speed, so character development often seems to happen in leaps; you'll want to read the manga to learn more about Galley/Alita and her world. Nevertheless, we heartily recommend this DVD as a "must see, must own", and the manga series is complex and profound.

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